Manga is a comic originally created and published in Japan. The stories that are composed of hand drawn illustrations are usually printed in black-and-white, but there are some coloured ones as well. A manga artist called in Japan 'mangaka' usually works with a group of assistants in a small studio and is assiociated with one of commercial publishing company. If a manga series become really popular, it may be animated after or during its run. The specific thing about manga is that you read it from right to left. It has also a lot of genres: action-adventure, romance, sports and games, historical drama, comedy, science-fiction and fantasy, mystery, suspense, detective, horror, sexuality, among others.
In my opinon manga is such a piece of art. The beautiful, neatly made drawings, the range of different personalities of heros and the moments and statements said by characters that can really touch you - I guess all of this will always impress me. To sum up, I highly recommend manga to anyone who isn't sceptical and likes broaden the mind:))
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