Sunday, March 12, 2017

A train of philosophical thoughts

Hello again guys!:)

Today's post might be a little bit odd to you as it does not resemble the previous ones as much. I hope that it will be as interesting to you as the others (my modesty is showing, isn't it? *shameful sigh*) and it will simply push you to share your own opinions and observations or some personal experience you've collected so far.
This post is going to be a set of interior, philosophical questions, most of which I leave without any answers given as I am looking for them myself. Those personal sentiments, which I would like to share with you, concern love and hatred, undoubtedly ones of the strongest feelings we, human beings, have ever experienced in our lives. The power which is hidden in their names is horrifying. Isn't it scary how many of us have subordinated to it obediently, without uttering a word of protest, carelessly, thoughtlessly? Isn't it scary how many of us have let them, consciously, snuck to our hearts and order us around? At the beginning of my monologue, I would like to pay your attention only to love as it is, unquestionally, a positive sensation lots of people crave for. I believe you all have noticed how quickly it resuscitates a broken heart after a dissapointement, how easily it persuades people to sacrifice, without a single thought, for their loved ones. Maybe you have witnessed how suddenly it made people fearless when the life of a person they loved were put at risk. It does it so naturally and no one can resist it. How is that possible that in one second it can chase away all your hesitations and give you the strength to fight like a lion, against all the odds, just to make that one person safe and sound? Love, the queen among the feelings. Nevertheless, there is something pretty worrying when it comes to love. A line which separates it from hatred, its opposition. 'A thin line' people say but is it really possible that in one minute love can turn into burning hatred? Is it possible to suddenly hate a person you loved with all your heart, just a moment ago? Or maybe it is people who mistake it with anger, which immediately sets everything on fire, erases all the precious memories, silences love and then lets hatred devour the heart. It is scary how it invades our mind, it is scary how quickly it stoles the keys, kept so carefully by love, and opens a cage to free our inner beast which wants nothing but destroy. People believe that only love can pit itself against hatred, only love can defeat it. I believe in that too. I guess only love can truly relieve the pain and heal a wounded heart. The question is how it actually does it? Oh, I guess it will always be a mistery for human beings.
That's all for today, I hope my personal thoughts have awaken your inner sentiments you would like to share with me!;) Bye!;)        


  1. I really liked your post entry. It is beautifully written and you have talent to express in a such way. You wrote about very important emotions that are mostly present during the whole life. I mean, it would be better if the hatred didn't appear. It's difficult to answer for these questions, we are young, we don't have so much experience but even for 50 years we may still search an answer.
    I think that love is the emotion or the state which is so rooted in humans that even after many disappointments we can still love and sacrifice bacause we have in us a big need of love.
    In my opinion it's not possible to love someone in one minute and hate him soon afterwards. The hate is developing after some time. I think we still love but the negative emotions like anger win during a crisis.

    1. Thank you Kamila for such a nice comment!:) Human beings are complicated creatures and emotions are an indispendable part of our existance. We learn our whole life how to cope with them which is, undeniably, hard. It's such a shame how easily we yield to hatred when we should spread positivity and love around us. I hope we will learn someday how to overcome it and live with ourselves and others in peace.
