Tuesday, December 9, 2014

To become a fictional character

Last holidays my friend really affected me with her passion which is closely related to Japan so we both decided to take a part in The Festival of Japanese Culture that took place in Kraków this year. The meeting was mostly concetrated on manga, a japanese comics, that is really popular out there. It was my first time when I participated in event like that and the first time I saw Cosplay. Cosplay is a show where people are disguised as their favourite characters from mangas and present themselfes on stage with music accompaniament. The performances can be funny and entertaining or serieus and scary. I must admit I was really excited about seeing this live show. I was really shocked how carefully all the costumes were made and how much people felt into the roles they were playing. I truly enjoyed all the performances. This show really lived up to all my expectations. I had so much fun during that day. All in all, this is a highly entertaining show and I am looking forward to see it again.
I totally recommend it to all of you especially to people who are deeply interested in manga:)

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