Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The queen among seasons

Winter. For me no other season can compare to it. It can be unpredictable and cruel but above all it's simply beautiful. I must admit I truly admire it despite all its disadventages. Most people prefers summer so when I say that winter is my favourite season I get those looks like there was something wrong with me. People are asking me 'how can you love winter it's cold during it' like NO KIDDING. No, but for real I think that's the point. The main reason I love that season is that I hate the heat that summer brings. I feel really awful when temperatures get really high, I'm not able to function properly, it truly annoys me. My mood is much better when there is a few degrees below zero. The other arguments why winter is bad are usually because it's ugly, boring, gloomy and everything seems to be dead. I disagree with those comments but maybe because I am one of the few people who really likes snow and waits for it all year. But there is also other group of people who are conviced that I love winer because I don't know how it feels like to work all day with a shovel in your hand to push the snow off a driveway. Again I am a living proof that it is not true. I come from a small town in the countryside so trust me I exactly know how it feels. I remember all those days I spent outside fighting with the snow while helping my parents push the car to get it out of the snowdrifts. Believe me that's hard and exhausting especially at 6 o'clock in the morning. Winter is stricly related to Christmas so I guess that may be also a reason why I love it so much (Christmas is my favourite part of the year as well).
Anyway I don't want to convince anyone that they should change their minds because evey person has a right to have its own opinion. My aim was to explained why I love winter so much and why its presence makes me happy. So see ya next time and leave a comment if you want! Bye:)